Our Suppliers
Successful Partnerships

It's always a delight to spend time with Putu. The art of glass blowing is such a magical one! All of our slump glass vases on teak wood have been hand-blown by Putu and his team of talented artists.

Agus and Meili are relatively new to Buckstone having just moved from Java to Bali, Indonesia. This duo is wonderful to work with because they are organized and very talented. They design many of our wooden signs and magnets.

At Buckstone, we enjoy working with spirited entrepreneurial women and no one is harder working than Angii. Her team of 40 artisans work hard at producing our teak root bowls, cheese trays, cutting boards, and shelves. Buckstone INC has been working with Angii for over 10 years and we look forward to many more!

Twenty-five years ago, Buckstone started working with Wayan's mother and over the years, Wayan grew into a clever, hard-working young man. You can see his talent in every single one of our very popular loons that he has hand-carved and painted. He is now starting to take over the family business and we have the great fortune to work directly with Wayan and his wife.

Dayu has been working with Buckstone for over 20 years! The beauty of working directly with our artisans is that work feels more like a lifestyle for us. It's not always about business but getting to know and love the artists as well as being a part of each other's lives. Dayu and her amazing team create all our cushions, flags, notebooks, gift boxes - anything with fabric!